David Gergen on the state of our democracy: “We can’t continue on the path we’re on; it’s unsustainable.”

David Gergen may be a battle-tested veteran of decades spent advising presidents – Republicans and a Democrat. But Gergen, who turns 80 on Monday, doesn’t hold back when asked to describe the state of democracy in 2022: “We can’t continue on the path we’re on; it’s unsustainable,” he said. “It has the sense that we’re, like, in a car, at midnight, on the edge of a cliff, with rain falling, and no headlights.

“Sound alarmist? Well, consider the source: Gergen remains a Washington legend for his clear and steady appraisal of the times, having guided Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton through critical moments in U.S. history. CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa asked Gergen, “When you step back and look at all of this, is America in a political crisis or a moral crisis?”

“That’s a great question. I think it’s a moral crisis Gergen replied. “I really honestly believe these are moral questions ultimately.”

