Democrats Are Desperate For A Distraction

It was the biggest story in the world…until it wasn’t. Remember Ukraine? Their war with Russia that has turned into a proxy war between us and Russia, for reasons no one can really explain was THE story just about 20 minutes ago. Now, it’s gone. Well, largely gone, though not from the lives of the people directly impacted, just from the US media. Why? Because, at the moment at least, it can’t help Democrats, and if the liberal elite media doesn’t think something can help Democrat it might as well not exist.

The Biden administration is puttering from one distraction to another, desperate to prevent you from thinking about what they’re actually doing and the consequences of those actions. Unfortunately, you get a stark reminder every time you fill your tank, every day when you buy food or baby formula, if you can find it. Putin is a lot of things, all of them horrible, but he didn’t do those things to you, Joe Biden and the Democrats did.