This governor’s answer on abortion leaves, um, something to be desired

The question of what would happen after the Supreme Court overturns the Roe v. Wade decision – assuming the court goes through with a ruling along the lines of the leaked draft opinion – has come to dominate the national conversation.

And the focus, particularly in some Republican-controlled states, is on whether some forms of birth control – like Plan B and IUDs – might be banned.

Which brings me to this exchange between Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves and NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday:

Todd: You’ve just said that you believe life begins at conception. If there is legislation brought to you to ban contraception, would you sign it?

Reeves: Well, I don’t think that’s going to happen in Mississippi. I’m sure they’ll have those conversations in other states.

Todd: But you’re not answering the question.

Reeves: As is always the case with things – well, that’s always the case. There’s so many things that we can talk about.

Um, that doesn’t sound terribly clear?

R&I – FS

Just Think

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