Outrage boils over after it’s revealed that Trump’s DOJ issued ‘egregious’ secret subpoena

The Department of Justice has revealed that it subpoenaed records of a journalist during a leak investigation following negative stories about Donald Trump’s administration.

“Leak investigators issued the subpoena to obtain the phone number of Stephanie Kirchgaessner, the Guardian’s investigations correspondent in Washington. The move was carried out without notifying the newspaper or its reporter, as part of an attempt to ferret out the source of media articles about a review into family separation conducted by the Department of Justice’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz,” the British newspaper reported. “It is highly unusual for US government officials to obtain a journalist’s phone details in this way, especially when no national security or classified information is involved. The move was all the more surprising in that it came from the DoJ’s inspector general’s office – the watchdog responsible for ethical oversight and whistleblower protections.”

That wasn’t the only irregularity.

R&I – FS

Maple Leaf

Article URL : https://www.rawstory.com/trump-doj-2657312386/