Covid didn’t break people — it exposed them.

Approved ~ MJM

We’ve been documenting Covid hysteria pretty much since Not The Bee launched shortly after the beginning of the pandemic. We’ve all long marveled at how it has seemingly made people insane, wearing masks alone in their cars, refusing to leave their house for months if not years, even getting celebratory Covid vaccine tattoos.

Can you think of a more regrettable decision? And I’m including the fiery skull with the snake crawling through the eye sockets inscribed with your now-ex-wife’s name.

There is something else at play here which finally occurred to me as I was puzzling over this most recent entry from The Washington Post.

We parents of young children who can’t be vaccinated feel abandoned at this late stage of the pandemic.

She uses the global “we,” as if no other opinion, no other viewpoint other than her own is conceivable, and if there is one its not legitimate enough to be entertained.

She speaks for all parents.

This is followed by a rather broad statement, “…feel abandoned at this late stage of the pandemic.”

Keep that term in mind, “abandoned.” She’s been betrayed. The faith she placed in the people she depended on to tell her what to do has been violated.

Federal officials, it seems, have decided to leave it up to us to figure out how to navigate coronavirus risks for our children.

Leave it up to her? She had thought it was up to Federal Officials (peace be upon them) whom she worships as infallible, capable of parsing conflicting data and cutting through individual circumstances to come to one true Set of Guidance.
