GOP sounds alarm in Pennsylvania as hard-line candidates rise

Republicans are particularly concerned that this November’s expected red wave may not lift such firebrand candidates to victory, possibly squandering opportunities to win races that are crucial at the state and federal levels at a time when the GOP plans on going on offense. 

“It would be like the voyage of the Titanic, but no survivors,” said one GOP strategist with extensive experience working in Pennsylvania. 

Mastriano, who has been linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory and whose campaign did not respond to a request for comment, makes repeated references to unsubstantiated claims of electoral wrongdoing without supplementing his bid with tangible platforms. Barnette, meanwhile, has voiced similar concerns over the 2020 race, has made Islamophobic and homophobic remarks and, as scrutiny heightens during her polling surge, has been cagey about her biography. 

Former President Trump further roiled the gubernatorial Saturday with an endorsement for Mastriano, a final push that could be the nail in the coffin for Mastriano’s opponents and outside detractors.