Biden’s baby formula shortage

We don’t have a food shortage problem,” then-candidate Joe Biden said just months after the COVID pandemic began in May 2020. “We have a leadership problem.”

Now that he is president, however, Biden is singing a different tune. Asked if he should have taken steps to address the nation’s baby formula shortages sooner, Biden replied, “If we had been better mind readers, I guess we could have.”

But the Biden administration never had to read minds. It had been informed of problems at a Michigan baby formula plant eight months ago, and in fact, the Food and Drug Administration issued a recall of formula from that same plant three months ago. Yet Biden never spoke of or acted to address the formula shortage until last Friday.

And yes, there is plenty he could have done.


To paraphrase Biden himself: “We don’t have a baby formula problem. We have a President Biden problem.”

Voters can start fixing that problem this November.
