If Biden Were Trying To Destroy America On Purpose, He’d Do Nothing Differently


Many have watched Joe Biden’s feckless performance over the past 18 months and concluded he’s grossly incompetent, and so is the party that decided to put him in the White House. Yet the incompetence rises to such a level that it prompts a question: If Biden were in fact actively attempting to destroy the United States, would he be governing much differently?

Just consider the last two years of the devastating worldwide lockdowns Communist China unleashed, first with a novel virus and then in its totalitarian response that the rest of the world echoed. Could it be mere incompetence, or does it rise to the level of actual malice, to double down on transferring the United States’s soft and hard power to China following that obvious of an episode?


Compound the devastating, China-enabling lockdown response Democrats demanded with U.S. officials fomenting war in Eastern Europe by foolishly suggesting Ukraine join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The resulting war is not only undermining potential U.S. responses to its top adversary, China, but also needlessly punishing Americans with higher energy and food prices.

Further compound that foolish rush to expand rather than end a war that lacks significant U.S. strategic interests with the deliberate destruction of U.S. energy independence and prosperity. While telling Americans that he’s not at all choking U.S. energy production, Biden is in fact choking U.S. energy production. He blames these malevolent decisions on Vladimir Putin, while actually enabling Putin’s power by taking away American energy as an alternative to Russian energy on world markets.

This also enables the rise of China, which is in no way handicapping its energy supplies nor its domestic manufacturing. A United States dependent on foreign dictators for key goods is a weak United States, as we have seen. Looking at all this, one would have to believe our ruling class is either a lot stupider than their voters or they’re so evil they’re willing to sell out their own country to regimes that operate concentration camps and want to control the globe.

Add in the evidence that Biden’s son compromised his father’s foreign policy by accepting Chinese bribes and sinecures, and the Biden administration’s subjugation of American interests to China’s anti-American designs makes more, but far more alarming, sense.

While Democrats appear to be actively working to destroy the nation, Republicans are failing to protect the Supreme Court from insurrection and political violence, sending billions in deficit funding to foreign wars, and making no promises about eviscerating the administrative state or inflationary federal spending. They’re almost making no policy pledges or advances at all.

It’s been 12 years since Obamacare and Republicans still have no realistic plan for making health care affordable for families. It’s been seven years since Spygate began and Republicans have issued no plan for strategically investigating and prosecuting this use of American intelligence agencies to prevent an elected president from discharging his duties of office.

The president of the United States is using federal agencies to harass his political opponents as “domestic terrorists” and ban their speech, and what is Republicans’ response? Some angry huffing and puffing on Twitter and TV! Unlike China’s ruling class, ours is completely unserious. Americans have reason to suspect there are no adults in the smoke-filled rooms of Washington DC, only cowards, hirelings, and traitors.