Anti-Terrorism Bill Targeting White Supremacists Puts House GOP on the Defensive

In the wake of domestic “terrorism,” civil rights groups often warn that the expansion of federal law enforcement powers will likely be used to target Muslims, Black activists, leftist protesters, and other citizens.

So, when House Democrats rushed this week to pass legislation to prevent domestic terrorism in the wake of the racist mass shooting that left 10 Black people dead in Buffalo, New York, Rep. Cori Bush (D-Missouri) and other progressives added “guardrails” to the legislation to ensure federal law enforcement remains focused violent extremists and white supremacists.

With the exception of Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, all Republican lawmakers opposed the bill, including those who voted for similar legislation in 2020. A few months after that voice vote in September 2020, the January 6 attack on Congress by pro-Trump fanatics, militia groups and fascist gangs changed the landscape of conservative politics.

Republicans also criticized the focus on investigating white supremacists in law enforcement, a serious threat that is routinely downplayed by conservatives and pro-police pundits. Researchers have warned for yearsthat racist hate groups have infiltrated police and immigration enforcement agencies, and journalists have exposed troves of online posts on Facebook and other sites revealing that law enforcement officers across the country embrace extremist and racist ideas. 

In an interview with NPR before the vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said GOP votes against the bill would effectively say that “the Republican Party is not as focused on domestic terrorism as they need to be, because they think a lot of their ‘stand back and stand by guys’ may be implicated.” Hoyer was alluding to violent groups such as the Proud Boys and far right militias that are egged on by Trump and the GOP’s turn toward Christian nationalism and conspiracy theories.