‘California Karen’ caught harassing ‘one of four black people in Santa Barbara’

A woman dubbed “California Karen” is being ripped online after hurling racial abuse at a DJ who filmed her berating staff at a Santa Barbara restaurant.

A now-viral video of her bizarre remarks to a man she declared “one of four black people in Santa Barbara” — originally uploaded by the recipient of her rant — has amassed more than 10s of thousands of views and international headlines as of Tuesday afternoon.

“Sooo this just happened @sb_boathouse, Santa Barbra needs to do better. Almost lost my s–t,” wrote Ian Soleimani, a 39-year-old African-American man who works as a DJ, in the clip’s caption.

In the footage of the incident, which took place the The Boathouse at Hendry’s Beach, the unnamed woman can first be seen laying into a restaurant manager over an unpaid check.

The altercation was sparked after the unidentified woman allegedly tried to pay her bill with PayPal after her credit card was declined, according to a thread on Reddit, where the video first went viral. The restaurant subsequently confiscated her ID and told her to come back the next day with a viable payment method, causing the customer to fly off the handle.

“It was paid, though, ma’am, and you rejected the payment,” the sunglasses-sporting woman spluttered in the clip. Things heated up after she noticed Soleimani filming her, and proceeded to bombard him with racial comments.

“Excuse me, sir. Hi, one of four black people in Santa Barbara,” fumed the incensed restaurant customer. “Oh, now I’m a racist, terrible person, sorry, just because you’re an obnoxious guy. It’s not your fault that you’re black, of course. Just obnoxious.”

The fourth wall breaker continued, “I’m against obnoxious people to be clear, not against the black people.”

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