Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd

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MARTHA’S VINEYARD, MA—From his coastal estate that will probably be underwater in ten years, former President Barack Obama issued a statement today encouraging Americans to honor Memorial Day by remembering the sacrifice of George Floyd.

The statement read in part, “We mark this somber occasion by celebrating a hero who gave his all so that all Americans can be free to know what horrible racists they all are.”

Racist Americans everywhere expressed appreciation for the sentiments of the former president. Laid-off baby formula factory worker James Reily echoed the views of many by saying, “Memorial Day is one of those holidays where it’s easy to get caught up in the insignificant things, like bar-b-q’s and laying flowers at the graves of fallen soldiers. I’m glad President Obama took the time to remind everyone of the most important things about America, which is that we’re terrible, and we elected Barack Obama. Twice.”


Article URL : https://babylonbee.com/news/obama-encourages-americans-to-pause-this-memorial-day-to-remember-the-sacrifice-of-george-floyd