Blaxit: White House in chaos and Biden’s black staffers can’t take it anymore

Time to examine if Biden’s White House is really the promised Utopia. Let’s begin with what we see:

Biden, who is usually accustomed to his cheerleading media has frequently displayed his foul temper when presented with tough questions. See herehere, and here.

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See herehere, and here.

Beyond Biden’s outbursts at rare press conferences, Biden’s White House generally appears to be in utter disarray.  Biden himself is reportedly anxious and peeved by this.

Even Biden’s cheerleaders are turning on Biden. NBC News reported that “Biden is rattled by his sinking approval ratings and is looking to regain voters’ confidence that he can provide the sure-handed leadership he promised during the campaign, people close to the president say.”

There is also the possibility of a staff shakeup, with reports “that chief of staff Ron Klain will depart at some point after the midterms, and one has heard him discuss leaving.”

NBC News also reported that Biden’s White House is far from a smoothly running administration despite personnel with decades of experience in public office.

The report claims that managerial breakdowns have angered both Biden and the Democrats in general, and Biden is displeased about a pattern where he makes “a clear and succinct statement” — only to have aides rush to explain that he actually meant something else.  It is hard to know who made up the laughable “clear and succinct statement” claim.  Was it a writer of the piece attempting to soften the blow to Biden, or does Biden have an inflated opinion of himself?

Declaring war with nuclear-armed Russia or claiming that the U.S. would intervene militarily to defend Taiwan against China is reckless and irresponsible.  It also contradicts longstanding U.S. foreign policy.  Statements such as Biden’s deserve to be walked back.

The report claims that Biden feels that these “clean-up campaigns” undermine him and enable a Republican talking point claiming that he’s not fully in command. Does anybody really think Biden, who struggles to recall the names of his colleagues and frequently addresses Kamala Harris as President Harris, is capable of this sort of thinking, based on memory and analysis? If that wasn’t bad enough, Politico reported yesterday:

At least 21 Black staffers have left the White House since late last year or are planning to leave soon. They describe a work environment with little support from their superiors and fewer chances for promotion.

The departures have been so pronounced that, some Black aides have adopted a term for them: “Blaxit.” The first big exit came in December, when Kamala Harris’ senior adviser and chief spokesperson Symone Sanders announced she was leaving, ultimately for a gig at MSNBC.

Since then, Harris senior aides Tina Flournoy, Ashley Etienne, Vincent Evans, and public engagement head Cedric Richmond have left.

Staffers leaving en masse suggests that perhaps they do not want to be seen presiding over one disaster after another. Perhaps it is the work culture and the office environment?

This chaos in the White House is another of the many Biden-made disasters, much like open borders, 40-year-high inflation, a supply chain crisis, a crime wave, Afghanistan, and Ukraine — all of which makes the U.S. look incompetent and untrustworthy.