Charles Payne: Biden Has Brought Us 2022’s “Summer Of Misery”

CHARLES PAYNE: It’s so frustrating because every time he opens his mouth, even that article in the ‘Wall Street Journal’ begins with a preamble ‘these victory laps’ and you have to wonder is he paying attention at all? I mean every single poll. Just about an hour ago I got an email a Gallup poll, by far inflation is the number one issue in this country. By far nothing is even close. Nothing is close.

It is destroying American households right now. And it’s sort of, you know, just play it off. Blame it on Putin, blame it on greedy corporations. Not take any sort of responsibility. It is just — I mean, we see his polls but beyond politics, it’s really hurting people now. It’s the point where you are starting to see these surveys and folks are saying, hey, one parent each week that’s skipping a meal so all the kids can eat. I saw one where 9% of families the entire family has to skip a meal now. People are cutting back on electricity.

Think about the last two years. We were confined. You know, we are told we can’t work. We wanted to go out. And everyone, I think everyone anticipated this being the summer. You talk about a summer of love this was going to be the summer of love. And now it’s looking like the summer of misery.


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