Dinesh’s Stupid Movie

As much as I’m enjoying the January 6th committee’s careful assembly of evidence proving former President Trump is a douchebag, I wasn’t seeing much in the way of a criminal offense until this week’s underreported story about how Trump used his “STOP THE STEAL” fundraising appeals to grift his supporters out of $250 million, none of which was, in fact, used to fight election fraud.

It didn’t even go to the poor saps who got themselves arrested at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Instead, the $250 million seems to have been funneled exclusively to Trump businesses, family and friends.

And let’s not forget Steve Bannon’s “We Build the Wall” swindle; Trump sending out a fundraising appeal to raise funds for his new private plane; and a Trump-affiliated organization paying Kimberly Guilfoyle $60,000 to give a two-minute speech on Jan. 6 (introducing her fiance, Don Jr.). Every time you think you have your arms fully around Trump’s con, you realize it’s unfathomably more cynical and far-reaching than you could have imagined.

“Trump lost only one demographic in 2020 compared to 2016.”

Is there anyone in Trump World who isn’t trying to fleece the Deplorables? Haven’t they suffered enough?

Which brings me to Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2,000 Mules. The movie tells Trump diehards (a dwindling crowd) that their man probably DID win the 2020 election!

Using cellphone tracking data obtained by “True the Vote” (which sounds like a group named by Melania Trump — “BE BEST!”) D’Souza claims to have proof that 2,000 people delivered multiple ballots to election drop boxes in the five crucial battleground states that Trump lost.

There are two problems with this.

First, the movie doesn’t show what it says it shows.

The second problem — my problem with the movie — is the idea that Trump’s 2020 loss cries out for an explanation. We know for a fact that Trump was wildly popular, sailing to a landslide election on the love of a grateful nation. Only something nefarious could explain his defeat!

Hello? Trump lost only one demographic in 2020 compared to 2016. What was that demographic? …

Answer: WHITE MEN!