Would A Fanatic Have Tried To Murder Brett Kavanaugh If Merrick Garland Had Enforced Federal Law?

<strong><em> Each time we allow lawlessness because those in power agree with the lawbreakers, we allow another window to be broken in our society.</em></strong>

The Constitution protects the right to free speech and free assembly, but there are legal limits that clearly apply here. Federal law is quite clear about pickets or parades that seek to interfere with the administration of justice or influence a judge in the administration of his duty. Such action is criminal, punishable by up to one year in prison. If the pickets were a peaceful assembly of people who support abortion in a public place, such as the Supreme Court building, this would be political activity protected by the First Amendment.

But the protesters are bringing their demonstrations to the front yards of Supreme Court justices’ private residences. They come in large numbers; they shout through bullhorns; they utter profanities. Since this is in response to a leaked draft of an opinion that the Supreme Court justices have not yet voted on, there is no conceivable intent of such behavior other than to influence the decision. This is a federal crime.

Federal crimes should be prosecuted by federal authorities. Attorney General Merrick Garland was silent about these protests at the justices’ homes when they began. Only recently has he condemned the threats of violence and vowed the Department of Justice would “do everything we can to prevent” violence against the Supreme Court justices. Doing everything they can apparently doesn’t include enforcing the directly applicable federal criminal law, since the DOJ has announced no investigations or arrests related to these intimidating protests.

Fast forward one month, and a radical shows up at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house with the admitted purpose of assassinating him. Like the protesters, the alleged attempted murderer stated his primary motive was anger about the impending reversal of Roe v. Wade as well as his opinion that Justice Kavanaugh would vote to loosen gun restrictions.

This is what happens when we refuse to enforce the law.

R&I – txPAT ^^^


Article URL : https://thefederalist.com/2022/06/20/would-a-fanatic-have-tried-to-murder-brett-kavanaugh-if-merrick-garland-had-enforced-federal-law-against-intimidation-of-justices/