WATCH: Right-Wing Host Steven Crowder Says Roe Decision is Bad News for ‘Whores’

The worst of those in right-wing media took the opportunity to gloat and demean women. Steven Crowder, a former Fox News contributor may have gone farthest saying that it’s a bad day for “whores.”

The commentator told his audience

Will live in infamy as a step backwards for women’s rights and human rights. Well, I think sorry, you misspelled whores. It will be a step backward for whores. Pronounced two syllables, whores. And what do I mean by that? I mean women who aren’t sexual responsible and then decide that they are going to abort a human life. Yep, yep, may not like it, not saying all women are whores, but people who think that it’s a necessity, abortion, otherwise you cannot be a responsible female adult or someone is violating your rights: Whore.”