Companies Eager To Subsidize Abortion Because They Think Only Childless Women Are Profitable

By subsidizing abortion, corporations show how they evaluate women’s worth and working potential based on the state of their wombs.

Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade, large companies such as Bank of America, BlackRock, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Disney, Goldman Sachs, H&M, Macy’s, Nike, Nordstrom, and Snap all pledged to pay thousands of dollars for their female employees to kill their babies in utero.

Under the guise of expanding “health care” policies to better accommodate women, big businesses all over the nation are going to great and murderous lengths to ensure they don’t have to deal with pregnant employees and maternity leave. The approach exposes how corporations evaluate women’s worth and working potential based on the state of their wombs.

It’s no secret why the woke human resource departments at these Fortune 500 firms and Wall Street giants want to ensure their female employees remain childless. For one, it’s cheaper than granting working mothers maternity leave and then giving them the flexibility required to stay engaged as a parent and an employee.

Second and relatedly, a lot of these companies believe childless women are more productive and better for their profitability than mothers would be. The Society for Human Resource Management admitted as much in its recent coverage of the Dobbs ruling.

“Nearly one-quarter of organizations (24 percent) agree that offering an HSA for employees’ travel-related expenses to receive abortion services/reproductive health care in another state will enhance their ability to compete for talent,” SHRM stated. Only 18 percent of the businesses surveyed disagreed with that assertion.

Despite the blatant sexism, this approach has been applauded by Democrats and the corporate media who are outraged that the highest court in the land would dare strike down an unconstitutional decision that was “egregiously wrong from the start.”