Mitt Romney: U.S. Is a ‘Nation in Denial’ and the Return of Donald Trump Would ‘Feed the Sickness’

From climate change to the economy and Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, Sen. Romney writes about the “national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust”

Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican who was the party’s nominee for president in 2012, has written an essay about Americans’ political habit of blaming others while ignoring growing crises.

Citing the consequences of climate change, inflation and Donald Trump‘s false but insistent claims of a stolen election in 2020 as examples, Romney, 75, wrote for The Atlantic, “What accounts for the blithe dismissal of potentially cataclysmic threats? The left thinks the right is at fault for ignoring climate change and the attacks on our political system. The right thinks the left is the problem for ignoring illegal immigration and the national debt. But wishful thinking happens across the political spectrum. More and more, we are a nation in denial.”

“President Joe Biden is a genuinely good man, but he has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust,” he wrote. “A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable.”

He continued: “Congress is particularly disappointing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently than they show backbone against it. Too often, Washington demonstrates the maxim that for evil to thrive only requires good men to do nothing.”


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