When machine learning meets surrealist art meets Reddit, you get DALL-E mini

DALL-E mini is the AI bringing to life all of the goofy “what if” questions you never asked: What if Voldemort was a member of Green Day? What if there was a McDonald’s in Mordor? What if scientists sent a Roomba to the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

You don’t have to wonder what a Roomba cleaning the bottom of the Mariana Trench would look like anymore. DALL-E mini can show you.

DALL-E mini is an online text-to-image generator that has exploded in popularity on social media in recent weeks.

The program takes a text phrase — like “mountain sunset,” “Eiffel tower on the moon,” “Obama making a sand castle,” or anything else you could possibly imagine — and creates an image out of it.

The results can be strangely beautiful, like “synthwave buddha,” or “a chicken nugget smoking a cigarette in the rain.” Others, like “Teletubbies in nursing home,” are truly terrifying.

DALL-E mini gained internet notoriety after social media users started using the program to mash recognizable pop culture icons into bizarre, photorealistic memes.

Boris Dayma, a Texas-based computer engineer, originally created DALL-E mini as an entry in a coding competition. Dayma’s program gets its name from the AI it’s based on: Inspired by the artificial intelligence company OpenAI’s incredibly powerful DALL-E, DALL-E mini is basically a web app that applies similar technology in a more easily accessible way. (Dayma has since renamed DALL-E mini to Craiyon at the company’s request).

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