It’s happening: “LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists

It was always unsustainable. The only question was how long the LGBT political movement would bask in the glory of its inarguably successful obliteration of traditional societal norms and sexual mores before they took the time to notice. But with #LGBdroptheT trending on Twitter multiple times over the course of the last week or two, it seems apparent that at least in certain quarters, the revolutionaries are doing what revolutionaries always do: turn on each other.

That “slippery slope” admission is an interesting one. In the early days of opposition to the gay rights movement, conservatives warned that once traditional moral guideposts for sexuality were removed on the basis of emotional preferences, they could not later be arbitrarily thrown back down into the ground to deny other claims made upon the same basis. “Merry” is begrudgingly acknowledging that despite claims to the contrary, the conservative warning has indeed proved accurate.

Her embarrassment stems from how far it has gone.


Approved ~ MJM