Alan Dershowitz says every reputable attorney he’s spoken with has told him their firms ‘won’t let them go anywhere near’ Trump

“All big-firm lawyers have told me that their firms won’t let them do it,” Dershowitz said in an interview. “The firms won’t let them go near any case involving Trump. These are firms that want to continue to have clients, and they know that if they represent Donald Trump, they’ll lose a lot of clients.”

Dershowitz spoke from experience.

After he represented Trump in his Senate impeachment trial, Dershowitz said he lost job opportunities and many of his speaking engagements.

There are other reasons big-name lawyers are reluctant to represent the former president.

“He likes to run the show, and as the old saying goes, if you represent yourself, you’ve got a fool for a client,” one lawyer familiar with the Trump team’s thought process said.