“In God We Trust” Signs Going Up In Texas Schools After Law Goes Into Effect

Back in 2021, Senate Bill 797 was passed in Texas. The bill states that secondary and elementary schools must display “a durable poster or framed copy of the United States national motto” if there is no cost associated with the display.

The bill has just recently gone into effect.

According to the Houston Chronicle, a bill that recently went into effect puts God and the national motto back into classrooms.

What do you think?  Is it about time some sanity returned to our schools to counteract the “wokeness” that seems to be permeating education?

Given that the posters must be donated or financed with private funds, how can this be a violation of church and state?

R&I – FS

Thurston Howell III

Article URL : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/god-trust-signs-going-texas-schools-law-goes-effect/