In memoir, NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson mulls 2024 run, calls for taking science, history out of elementary schools

 — North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is dropping more hints about a potential run for governor in 2024. And, if elected, he says he’d work to keep science and history out of some elementary school classrooms. He says he’d also seek to eliminate the State Board of Education, end abortion and work to prevent transgender people from serving in the military.

 Robinson wants to eliminate the State Board of Education, leave science and history out of curricula for first through fifth grade.

Education is perhaps the top policy priority for Robinson.

Robinson said he’d work to keep history, science and a number of other subjects out of first through fifth grade curricula and instead prioritize reading, writing and math.

“In those grades, we don’t need to be teaching social studies,” he writes. “We don’t need to be teaching science. We surely don’t need to be talking about equity and social justice.”

Robinson also reaffirms personal views on climate change that became a major issue in the 2020 election. “Guess what? Most of the people of North Carolina know global warming is junk science,” he writes.

Robinson lashes out over gay pride rallies, transgender people.

Robinson likens gay pride parades to strip clubs and bars with prostitutes, insisting such venues are inappropriate for children.

“Telling a child, ‘Oh, you’re gay,’ or dressing a kid up at the gay pride parade in a fairy costume with a pair of rainbow flags—using kids like that is demented,” he writes. “You shouldn’t let them walk around seeing men with their butts hanging out.”

He also took frequent aim at transgender people, labeling them as mentally and physically unfit to serve in the military.