God versus paganism/Marxism/postmodernism.

What was the first book printed in the West?

Gutenberg Bible also called the 42-line Bible or Mazarin Bible, is the first complete book extant in the West and one of the earliest printed from movable type, so called after its printer, Johannes Gutenberg, who completed it about 1455 working at Mainz, Germany.

It has been said that every subsequent book is based on the Bible in that the categories, hierarchies, and archetypes are rooted in the Scriptures. And these have led to the values that distinguish Western culture.

Western culture is objectively superior to others because its values, including life, logic, individualism, progress, and science, are superior values.

Entropy is a principle within physics where things slowly break down (lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.) “the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time”.

It appears that within society there are always forces at work to break down the best of any society.

Pagans believe that nature is sacred and that the natural cycles of birth, growth, and death observed in the world around us carry profoundly spiritual meanings. Human beings are seen as part of nature, along with other animals, trees, stones, plants, and everything else that is on this earth.

Out of these pagan beliefs we get animal rights and radical environmental demands. It’s the same pagan beliefs that give us Darwinistic evolution. Yes, animals can adapt to their environment they just can’t adapt to completely different organisms in a different breeding family. Yes, we see similarities in genetics and body plans. Simply evidence of a designer’s work thinks about Apple products or Ford products. Yes, these are manufactured products but they come from a mind. And we deftly see simple to more complex in the geological column yet again evidence of a designer. Yet people who claim to be scientific can’t prove that mutations and natural selection can change a land animal into a whale so they simply impose a “Darwin of the gaps” argument on similarities and simple to more complex. Since they can’t prove the biological processes they say can accomplish that they just simply impose unproven assertions and force that on society using humiliation and intimidation because they can’t use objective science to teach it. Without an “appeal to authority” and the “bandwagon fallacy” they simply can’t teach it so they try to humiliate people who question it i.e. fake science.

There is a tendency to replace God with nature. All the attributes that have been classically attributed to God like the creator of heaven and earth and life on this planet have been attributed to simply natural processes. That the appearance of the universe 13.8 billion years ago must be explainable by purely natural means as if the singularity was eternal. And even with all the things we know about life and the laws and constraints necessary for life’s appearance nature has been endowed with the ability to do that unaided. These are simple pagan beliefs. There is no observable or testable evidence that this is possible yet pagan belief basically incorporates the divine into the natural order of things.

Instead of the categories of God and nature, there is an attempt to break these categories down to some synthesis into just nature. This is just an extension of postmodern thought.

Marxism and postmodernism are simply kissing cousins.

Marx’s version of conflict theory focused on the conflict between two primary classes within capitalist society: the ruling capitalist class (or bourgeoisie) who own the means of production, and the working class (or proletariat), whose alienated labor the bourgeoisie exploits to produce a profit.

Critical Theory provides a specific interpretation of Marxist philosophy with regard to some of its central economic and political notions like commodification, reification, fetishization, and critique of mass culture. A “critical theory” has a distinctive aim: to unmask the ideology falsely justifying some form of social or economic oppression—to reveal it as ideology—and, in so doing, to contribute to the task of ending that oppression.

It’s from “Critical Theory” that we get Critical Race Theory (CRT) where Marxists from the Frankfurt school retooled the class struggle between the bourgeoisie versus the proletariat into a struggle between different groups of oppressed and the oppressors. It changed from more of an economic struggle to a social struggle.

In the struggle, there are different oppressed groups i.e. LGBT, minorities, etc. and in the struggle, they find it necessary to deny science, logic, reason, tradition, and religion. These basic values have made Western culture the greatest culture in history yet this Marxist/postmodern movement attacks the very foundations of society. This will destroy our Western culture as we know it and return us to paganism. Paganism has its roots in the pre-Christian religions of Europe. Its re-emergence in Britain parallels that in other western countries, where it has been growing rapidly since the 1950s.

Many see this breakdown facilitated by Darwinistic evolution which is forced on our kids in school telling them they are nothing but an evolved monkey/ape. Scripture says man is made in the image of God and thus has a special place in creation. With that image of God come certain duties and responsibilities that the left is trying to remove in the teaching of Darwinism. Fake science always hurts society to the degree that society accepts it. When you attack the nature and stature of humans reducing them to just animals you strip any duties and responsibilities other than what society agrees upon which is always in a state of flux. We’ve been appalled by the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis yet we’ve exterminated 60 million innocent unborn human lives in America through Roe versus Wade.

This pagan/Marxism/postmodern movement has tried to strip all of the categories of Western culture like good and evil, right and wrong, male and female, immorality, and righteous living. This movement also has attacked hierarchies like families and governments in the attempt to redefine families they are simply destroying the concept of family which is a bedrock of any thriving and successful society. And then their attack on the government with “defund the police” and setting up district attorneys that refused to enforce the law led to a sharp increase in criminality where you can find more shootings in our large cities than in some wars.

We are seeing a domino effect take place in a society that has turned its back on God and we are seeing increased violence, food shortages, and severe economic instability by a government whose was abandoned all constitutional restraints and is turning the dollar into toilet paper. Anarchy is at the roots of this pagan/Marxism/postmodern movement and a society that cannot survive anarchy.

We are at a turning point that if we don’t return to God and the principles that have made Western society the greatest we will go the way of Rome and our leaders will be fiddling while our society burns down.

2nd Chronicles 7: 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Richard Dawkin a famous atheist in support of Darwinistic evolution states that his beliefs are atheistic but he prefers to live in a society based on Christian values. These are the values of Western civilization that have supported capitalism which has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system known to man yet today’s college students have been brainwashed to think Marxism is the way to go. This pagan/Marxism/postmodern movement has corrupted most of our universities along with our other institutions and our government.

Are you aware of the attack on the values of Western civilization?

Do you think claiming that a man can be a woman is supported in science/biology, can (XX female) become (XY male)? Explain how that can happen.

R&I – FS

John Keefe

Article URL : https://disqus.com/by/docjohndisqus/