The Left’s Goal of Creating a “New Generation of Drag Kids”

Sep 1, 2022 3 min read

From secret school Pride parades to teachers who look to young children for their gender validation, childhood innocence is under assault.

There’s a clear goal of creating a “new generation of drag kids,” as erotic clothing store owner Brandon Hilton puts it.

Pushing radical gender ideology onto our children—in classrooms, in libraries and even in church—is inherently dangerous.

There’s no stronger instinct than a parent’s need to protect his or her child.

Last year, a California woman fought off a mountain lion—with her bare hands. Why? Because the predator was dragging away her 5-year-old son. She heard a commotion, ran outside and immediately began punching the mountain lion. It fled, and she saved her son’s life.

That’s why school boards shouldn’t be surprised when angry parents call them out for injecting critical race theory (or its school-uniformed version, social and emotional learning) into their children’s classrooms. Because it’s not just the lives of our children that need protection—it’s also their innocence.

From “Drag Queen Story Hour” to “woke” math, from secret school Pride parades to teachers who look to young children for their gender validation, childhood innocence is under assault.

Creating confusion in our children is the point. As one academic journal explained in 2021, drag queen story hour “creates a pathway into the imaginative, messy, and rule-breaking aspects of drag for children without necessarily watering down queer cultures.”

This assault on innocence has its defenders, of course. Psychologist Joe Kort, a “certified sexologist,” says that objections to drag queen story-hour programs are simply misogyny, homophobia and bigotry.

Writing in Psychology Today, Kort contends, “As a longtime sex and gender therapist, I know that there is no substance to the argument that exposing anyone, including children, to the reality of people with a different sexual orientation or gender identity influences the children’s innate sexual orientation or gender identity.”

The real victims of this movement disagree. Social contagion is a recognized scientific phenomenon. And what we’ve seen regarding gender questions is that what begins as confusion—common enough in children and young adolescents—is often turned into a clinical course of action, with tragic results.

Pushing radical gender ideology onto our children—in classrooms, in libraries and even in church—is inherently dangerous. It’s an attempt to undermine the childhood innocence that families instinctively protect.

G.K. Chesterton wrote, “For kids are innocent and love justice, while most of us are evil and naturally prefer mercy.” But those who come for our children should not expect mercy. They should expect, instead, parents ready to protect their children no matter what.