Our Response to Biden’s “Red Sermon”

Biden darkly escalates — because Permanent Washington loses its grip on power.

Joe Biden has spent a half century in elected office in Washington DC. Until last night, his only real legacy involved collecting substantial personal wealth for himself and his family.

After all, he was an unremarkable corporatist senator from Delaware who capably represented mammoth multinationals, but he mattered little legislatively. He was then a largely ignored vice-president who doddered in political obscurity, even as he secretly maneuvered with his son to establish lucrative business ties with the most dangerous regimes on the planet.

But now, Joe Biden makes his mark – and solidifies his ignoble legacy as the first US president to explicitly denigrate tens of millions of citizens in a fascistic and incendiary speech targeting masses of regular citizens as criminals.

Against a blood red backdrop that would embarrass the Ministry of Information of North Korea, Biden used US Marines as props and desecrated one of the most sacred places in our Republic, Independence Hall, to demonize the overwhelming majority of Americans who reject his dismal mismanagement of our homeland. His sinister threats in Philadelphia began with this indictment of an entire political movement: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Just days earlier, this same embittered dolt threatened regular Americans who embrace their God-given right to bear arms. Biden mocked the idea of self-defense against tyranny by implicitly threatening to use the state’s weapons of war against citizens, stating that to counter such despotism, Americans would “need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.” He also posted a social media dismissal of the entire America First movement as “backwards, full of anger, violence, hate, and division.”

Such menacing attacks upon a free people can easily dispirit the psyche of a country that increasingly descends into oligarchy. But, in a sense, this kind of brazen bullying should actually reinforce the will of citizens to reclaim our country, to restore our prosperity, and reestablish our sovereignty. In many ways, this escalating bellicosity from the Biden regime represents the last gasps of a ruling class that has simply pushed the people too far.




Article URL : https://stevecortes.substack.com/p/our-response-to-bidens-red-sermon?r=awib6&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web