Eliminating Parenthood at Puberty

The clip is taken from a TED talk that Aye gave in 2019, titled “Is the Surgical World Ready for Adolescent Gender Surgery?” Aye says:

If as soon as pubertal blockers were added [to a male child’s drug regimen] and then estrogen was added to [his] therapy — [his] testes never developed. In fact, [he] does not make any spermAnd [his] reproductive capability to be a biological parent has been eliminated. [His] testes are non-functional and in medicine, don’t we often recommend the removal of non-functional organs, like an appendix?

In other words: Since we’ve already rendered the boy’s sex organ non-functioning through drugs, what’s the point in making him wait until he’s 18 to be castrated? Why delay the inevitable?

R&I – FS