President Biden keeps the COVID ‘emergency’ going so he can act like a dictator

The Biden administration proclaimed Thursday that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. Yet last month President Biden told “60 Minutes”: “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over.”

How can there still be an emergency when the pandemic is over? Because the “emergency” is that Democrats need votes.

President Donald Trump decreed the first COVID emergency in early 2020. Rather than an official White House proclamation, the latest emergency extension occurred via a bureaucratic form letter posted online: “As a result of the continued consequences of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, on this date and after consultation with public health officials as necessary, I, Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services . . . do hereby renew” the emergency for another 90 days.

By this standard, as long as there are any “continuing consequences” from COVID, Biden can perpetuate the emergency that gives him vast new powers. Administration officials warn that COVID cases could increase in the coming months. Plus, another asteroid might pass within 100 million miles of earth, so better safe than sorry.

R&I – FS

OP image fixed ~ Primus Pilus