Conservative blasts the ‘freak show’ Republicans who have turned the party into an ‘intellectual wasteland

After noting that Walker, with his massive resume of scandals, has “no business running for political office at any level, let alone the United States Senate,” the columinst added that, in many ways, he is representative of the wave of Republican candidates who are destroying the party that Wehner writes used to stand for something.

Calling Walker the “archetypal MAGA candidate in a MAGA party,” he added, “Like so many who now represent the GOP, Walker displays not just a lack of interest in serious ideas but contempt for them. Benightedness is chic,” he wrote for the Atlantic.

“Republicans once sold themselves as representing family values and tradition, concerned with moral standards and civic character. They insisted on the importance of good character and integrity in political leaders. This has been exposed as utterly cynical, most obviously in the support that Republicans—many of whom savaged Bill Clinton over his moral failings—gave to Trump, whose corruptions are peerless and borderless,” he charged before adding that the current Trump-ear cast of characters — including conservative non-politicians — have taken over the conservative movement and that the Republican party will suffer because of it.