Oz DESTROYS Fetterman In First 10 Minutes Of Debate! Fetterman “Thinks The Minimum Wage Is His Weekly Allowance From His Parents.” [VIDEO]

NBC said earlier today that Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman ‘set expectations low’ during a statement he made before the debate.

He certainly is not surpassing the low bar he set for himself so far.

Fetterman has continued to stumble his way throughout the debate all night, though Oz has refrained from attacking Fetterman for his health issues so far.

Instead, Oz highlighted Fetterman’s disconnect from the working class voters he claims to represent.

He began by discussing how Fetterman lived with and took money form his parents until well in to his 30’s and 40’s.

Then, Oz hit him with a hilarious one liner during a discussion about the minimum wage.

Oz said that Fetterman “Thinks the minimum wage is his weekly allowance from his parents.”


Approved ~ MJM