Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’s campaign office broken into

The campaign for Arizona gubernatorial candidate and current Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has directed blame toward her Republican opponent following a break-in of its offices on Monday.

Hobbs, the Democratic candidate for Arizona governor, indirectly pointed blame toward Republican candidate Kari Lake, whom Hobbs said has ‘been spreading dangerous misinformation and inciting threats against anyone they see fit.’

Lake did not clarify whether she would accept upcoming election results if it is determined she lost to Hobbs, adding: ‘I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result.’

An unidentified man was captured on video walking up to the office’s front doors. He is seen with a backpack while wearing a green T-shirt and gray shorts. 

Following the break-in, the Arizona Democratic Party directly blamed Lake and the Republican Party.

‘Make no mistake — this is a direct result of Kari Lake and fringe Republicans spreading lies and hate and inciting violence — and it is despicable,’ they tweeted.

Phoenix police responded to a ‘commercial burglary’ at the office north of downtown Phoenix around 2pm on Tuesday.

Sgt. Brian Bower told KOLD 13 that the break-in occurred ‘sometime during the night’ on Monday. He did not report what was stolen.

Possible items taken from the office include lists naming campaign volunteers and potential strategies for the final two weeks of Hobbs’ campaign.

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’s campaign office broken into (