Russia warns that Ukraine wants to create black hole that will suck the earth away

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022
Russland warnt davor, dass Ukraine Schwarzes Loch erzeugen will, das die Erde wegsaugt

“We have clear evidence that Ukraine is building a… er… black hole generating machine. Unfortunately, for security reasons, we can’t show it to you,” Shoigu announced. “According to our information, Ukraine wants to use it to destroy the entire planet.”

 Should we all be worried? Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu today specifically warned that Ukraine is about to create a black hole that will suck out the entire Earth.

Russia is currently trying everything to thwart these terrible plans. “We are already bombing as much infrastructure and children’s playgrounds as possible to prevent the worst from happening,” says Schoigu. “But we need more ammunition and drones. Otherwise we can’t save the world!”

Observers expect that Russia will also present evidence in the next few days that Ukraine has fire-breathing dragons and that Adolf Hitler and Satan are in Kyiv.