Weisselberg: Trump’s kids discovered I was cooking the books — then gave me a $200k raise

On Friday, the New York Post reported that Allen Weisselberg, the longtime CFO of the Trump Organization, revealed at trial that the children of former President Donald Trump realized he was using shady accounting tricks to cook the books at the company — and then gave him a huge raise.

“Eric and Donald Trump Jr. in 2017 learned Weisselberg, 75, and two other top execs had been getting cushy perks that they didn’t report on their taxes — yet nobody was penalized, Weisselberg testified at the Manhattan Supreme Court tax fraud trial against the Trump Org,” reported Priscilla DeGregory and Khristina Narizhnaya. “The sons learned of the tax cheating during a ‘cleanup process’ the company underwent with tax auditors when Trump took office as president, Weisselberg said.”

“When prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked the longtime chief financial officer if the Trump Org demoted or punished him in light of the discovery, he said no,” said the report. “‘Were you in fact given a raise … that totaled approximately $200,000?’ Hoffinger asked. ‘Correct,’ Weisselberg replied on his final day of testimony.”

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Bugs Marlowe

Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/weisselberg-trump-s-kids-discovered-i-was-cooking-the-books-then-gave-me-a-200k-raise/ar-AA14hIv0?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=239aa83257894ebaa2d2e327cee12a07