‘Destroying the Nuclear Family’: Laura Ingraham Falsely Claims New Marriage Law Takes Rights Away From Christians

The far right Fox News host charged President Biden with “destroying the primacy of the nuclear family” and taking away the rights of “any serious person of faith.”

Implying same-sex couples marrying is “aberrant behavior,” Ingraham continued her years-long attack on marriage equality.

Referring to the “aberrant behavior” she had just mentioned, Ingraham declared that “today that got elevated as I mentioned earlier, at the White House.”

“Joe Biden held kind of an over-the-top, you know, celebration, this extravaganza that was named the Respect for Marriage Act,” which Ingraham described as “a bill that moves to restrict freedom of religion and freedom of speech even.”

That’s false. More than twenty faith-based organizations and even the main Mormon Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Mitt Romney’s church – announced support for the law. Even Romney, a Republican Senator from Utah who once said he didn’t know LGBTQ people had familiessupports the Respect for Marriage Act.