Suddenly Domestic Terrorism Charges Are a Problem Now That Atlanta Is Using Them Against Antifa

Authorities have arrested over a dozen of these Antifa goons and charged them with domestic terrorism. The group — largely from out of town and overloaded with young white people from privileged backgrounds — has camped out on the land under the pretense that it’s some sort of forest that needs protection.

The “protesters” against what the left calls “Cop City” have vandalized the offices of the contractor in charge of the project, confronted contractor employees at their homes, and disrupted church services where employees of the contractor worship. Antifa punks even firebombed a center for at-risk youth located near the planned facility.

Those events took place last year, but a January shootout with police that injured a state trooper and ended the life of one of the Antifa thugs led to even more violence, including the burning of an Atlanta Police cruiser and damage to some buildings in downtown Atlanta.

These incidents, coupled with Friday’s release of the footage of Tyre Nichols’ death at the hands of Memphis police — the type of violence that Atlanta’s public safety training facility is meant to help prevent — led Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) to declare a state of emergency that allows him to call up the National Guard to deal with threats like these.