Former Republican senator who voted against Covid-19 aid resigned over long Covid

Former Republican Senator James Inhofe, who retired at the end of last year, announced that he suffered from symptoms of long Covid after he voted repeatedly against Covid-19 aid packages.

Mr Inhofe, who represented Oklahoma for decades in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, told The Tulsa World that he left the Senate because of the lingering effects from contracting Covid-19.

“Five or six others have (long COVID), but I’m the only one who admits,” he said. Senator Tim Kaine, the Democratic senator from Virginia, said last year that he suffered lingering effects of Covid-19.

Throughout his tenure as a senator, Mr Inhofe voted against relief for people and businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, HuffPost reported. In March 2020, he voted against the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which expanded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program, expanded unemployment benefits and provided paid sick leave for those affected by Covid-19….


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