Neighborhood Nazi Jon Minadeo Peddles Hate by the Minute

Minadeo’s streams are filled with rants belittling and demonizing Jewish, Black, and gay people. He often interacts with random folks on the chat app Omegle, including young children, trying to court them into neo-Nazi beliefs. During a February 23 stream, Minadeo repeatedly called a Black boy a “n*****” while chatting with the child on Omegle. In another segment, he encouraged two girls to sing a chant with the slur. 

In a February 14 video, he voiced support for violent attacks on transgender people.  

Florida: Nazi Breeding Ground

Minadeo announced his cross-country move from the San Francisco Bay Area to Florida in December, revealing he no longer felt welcome in his home state.

“A lot of Jews here in Florida,” Minadeo said in a recent stream. “[I] didn’t come here to run away. I came here to fight. This is the battleground.” 

Like many hate group members, Minadeo and his followers are taking advantage of the publicity surrounding Nazi-sympathizing rapper Ye. The Goyim Defense League was part of a wave of demonstrations last fall that supported the musician and his anti-Semitic beliefs, hanging signs on highway overpasses, “Ye was right about the Jews.” 

According to the Anti-Defamation League report, “Hate in the Sunshine State: Extremism and Anti-Semitism in Florida,” extremist incidents rose more than 71 percent between 2020 and 2022 thanks to an overlapping network of white supremacists living in the state, spearheaded in large part by the Goyim Defense League.