Tucker Carlson Ignores Plea from Dead Police Officer’s Family to Stop Mentioning Him and ‘Leave Us the Hell Alone’

Tucker Carlson once again suggested the death of a 42-year-old police officer who was sprayed by an unknown substance at the Capitol riot and died the next day had nothing to do with said riot.

Carlson has discussed Sicknick many times on his show, usually (or maybe even always) omitting the fact Sicknick was sprayed. The Fox News host seized on initial false reports that Sicknick had been beaten with a fire extinguisher to state unequivocally that his death had nothing to do with the riot.

After talking about Sicknick on Monday, the deceased officer’s family issued a stinging rebuke:

In addition to Sicknick, four officers who responded to the riot subsequently committed suicide. While it is unclear how much of a role the riot played in those deaths – if any – Carlson dismissed the idea they’re related.