Exclusive: Declassified report suggests “Havana syndrome” could result from energy weapon

The document was declassified after the James Madison Project, a nonprofit dedicated to reducing government secrecy, sued to obtain further information on “Anomalous Health Incidents” or AHIs, the official term used to designate the syndrome.

“The U.S. government is covering up evidence as to what AHIs are,” said James Madison Project attorney Mark Zaid, who also represents a number of Havana syndrome patients. “This report differs from the summary released earlier this monthand previous statements from the intelligence community. It is becoming apparent that these events were perpetrated either by foreign actors, or it is an experiment gone horribly wrong.”

The declassified report, officially titled “Anomalous Health Incidents: Analysis of Potential Causal Mechanisms,” also says that “pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics” of at least some reported medical conditions, and finds that “sources exist that could generate the required stimulus, are concealable, and have moderate power requirements.