Of Course Bragg’s Office Leaked Trump Indictment to Deep State Stooge Michael Isikoff

For obvious reasons, leaking anything involving a grand jury is illegal. Nevertheless, someone in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office leaked the 34 felony count indictment against former President Trump to Isikoff on Monday, and like the good dog he is, Isiskoff took dictation.

Isikoff expressed no skepticism about the reasons behind the leak and relayed nothing in the pile of legal and political arguments against what Bragg was doing. Instead, Isikoff did as he was told and laid out the absurd charges in the most damning way possible

Yes, yes, it is all so reasonable, legal, and professional. No mention of the Department of Justice deciding not to pursue this nonsense. No mention of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) refusing to even fine the Trump campaign over this. No mention of how a local district attorney cannot pursue a federal crime, which is the obscene rationale for bumping these 34 pieces of nonsense to felonies.

Trump’s claim that Bragg’s office broke the law by “illegally” leaking this information to Isikoff has more legal standing than anything in that stupid indictment.

