If America Withdraws From the World, Iran, China, and Russia Win

A bizarre series of new and/or deepened relationships around the world — often including countries that had long been at odds or at war — has emerged in the past 12 months. Take a deep breath and look around: China-Saudi Arabia, China-Iran, Israel-China, Tesla-China, China-Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Brazil/Venezuela/Cuba-China. Saudi Arabia-Syria, Saudi Arabia-Israel, Iran-Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia-Palestinian Authority, Iran-Iraq, Russia-Iran, Iran-Venezuela/Cuba/Nicaragua, Russia-Israel, Japan-South Korea, Japan-Russia.

Every single one, and the consequences they produce, are the result of the clear withdrawal of the United States as the lynchpin of relations and alliances on the world stage. With the exception of pouring billions of dollars’ worth of weapons into Ukraine, the US has created a vacuum in the Middle East, South America and Africa. Into every vacuum pours … well … nothing good.
