Chris Christie calls Trump a ‘puppet of Putin’ after CNN town hall

“If you don’t say that you think Ukraine should win the war, I don’t know where you stand with Putin,” the former governor said.

During a CNN town hall Wednesday night, Trump said it wasn’t wise to call Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal, since that would make negotiating with him more difficult. When asked about the comment Thursday morning, Christie said he strongly disagrees.

“I think he’s a coward and I think he’s a puppet of Putin,” Christie, a Republican weighing a presidential run, told radio host Hugh Hewitt. “I don’t know why, to tell you the truth, but I can’t figure it out, but there’s no other conclusion to come to.”

That Trump wouldn’t back Ukraine “was the most stunning moment in the debate,” Christie said. “If you don’t say that you think Ukraine should win the war, I don’t know where you stand with Putin.”