Dan Abrams Breaks Down Durham Report — Says No ‘Knockout Blow’ For Media Critics of FBI’s Trump Probe

On Monday night’s edition of NewsNation’s Dan Abrams Live, the host delivered a detailed commentary on the report that took media extremes to task, and promised to “play it straight” with an analysis based on his expertise, not partisan opinion.

Abrams told viewers, then gave them the “bottom line”:

Here’s the bottom line. If you are one of those hoping for a knockout punch by Durham declaring that the FBI investigation was somehow criminal or even overtly politicized, then you likely will be disappointed. But there is also no shortage of criticism from Durham for the investigation, which he sure seems to believe never should have been opened in the first place. Now, he doesn’t come out and say that directly in the 360-page report. But John Durham declares, quote, “That the Justice Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law.”.