Second IRS Hunter Biden Whistleblower Comes Forward, Gets Threatened With Criminal Prosecution

Another IRS whistleblower involving the Hunter Biden investigation has been revealed, and according to a new report, threats of retaliation via criminal prosecution followed.

That revelation comes after the IRS removed the entire investigative team overseeing the Hunter Biden case, which involves allegations of tax fraud and failure to file taxes. That left many with the impression that a full-scale cover-up was in effect. The request to remove the team reportedly came directly from the DOJ, which has continued to inexplicably stall any kind of final decision on whether to prosecute the president’s degenerate son.

What we know so far is that the second IRS whistleblower is a case agent who was working under the first whistleblower, and they are backing up allegations of political intervention in the case. Unfortunately, the second whistleblower’s attempts to reach out to IRS leadership were met with hostility and threats of criminal prosecution.

It’s astonishing that the DOJ and IRS continue to act this way toward the whistleblowers knowing that their retaliation attempts will be made public. That’s sheer hubris on a level that’s hard to fathom, but power, especially government power, does crazy things to people. It’s pretty clear that no one within the Biden administration and the executive agencies it controls has any actual fear of being held accountable. Given that, why wouldn’t they threaten whistleblowers? Who is going to stop them?



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