Gene Therapy: Florida Man continues to make trouble

At least three different entities — the NAACP, the League of United American Citizens, the biggest Hispanic and Latin American organization in the country, and Equality Florida, which advocates for the civil rights of the LGBTQ+ community — have issued travel advisories warning that policies put into practice by DeSantis have rendered the Sunshine State a credible threat to the health, safety, and freedom of their constituencies.

Whoa. Big congrats Ron.

Is that the campaign slogan: “Help Save Florida. Put DeSantis in the White House?”

Who was that guy who took migrants from another state, put them on a plane with the promise of cash and a job, flew them to Martha’s Vineyard to annoy the “woke,” then billed his own taxpayers?

DeSantis, with his top stunt of 2022.

Uh-huh. And why is Florida leading the nation in tourism? Disney. And who is does DeSantis treat like Public Enemy No. 1 in Florida? Disney. And when is anything DeSantis does from a public policy standpoint ever going to make sense? It is not, and there is a great word for that — kakistocracy, government by the worst.