Was Jesus truly a God, or is his messiahship just an elaborate hoax’s to justify the later Trinity?
Since 381 CE, the trinity has been assessed as the Father (who is God), the Son (who is God), and the Holy Ghost (who is God). From the beginning, the father was seen as God, Yahweh, and many other names. The Holy Ghost we know as the paedophile who raped the child Mary aka Miriam. (The New Testament, tells us that the Mary is told by the angel Gabriel, that the Holy Ghost will come upon you, and Mary retorts how will this be I am a virgin. Luke 1:34-35) But, the New Testament claims Jesus to be the son of Joseph, a carpenter, who, according to Christian sources, was probably 90 years old when Jesus was born to the thirteen-year-old Mary. Christian sources tell us that Joseph died aged 110-years old.https://www.biblestudytools.com/encyclopedias/isbe/joseph-husband-of-mary.html see 3. References in Apocryphal Literature. Joseph’s death came well before Jesus started his ministry at the age of 30. A topic shrouded in contradictions, and controversy, as conservative Christians believe that Jesus had a 3-year-ministry, according to the Gospel of John. However, the oldest sources, the synoptic gospel, agree that Jesus only had a 1-year ministry. So, conservative Christians will agree with the Gospel of John, on the length of ministry, and the crucifixion. But, like all cherry-pickers, they will pick and choose which gospels suit them. If the Holy Ghost is the father of Jesus, this debunks the Matthew and Luke genealogies of Joseph’s connection to king David through his earthly father, Joseph.
The debunking of the messiahship.
“If Jesus is not a blood-relation to Joseph, why is it that Matthew and Luke trace Jesus’ bloodline precisely through Joseph? This is a question that neither author answers: both accounts give a genealogy that can’t be the genealogy of Jesus, since his only bloodline goes through Mary, yet neither author provides her genealogy.” ~ Professor Bart D. Ehrman [‘Jesus Interrupted, Revealing Hidden Contradictions In The Bible (And Why We Don’t Know About Them)’ 2009 Harper One pg. 36]
So, Jesus cannot be a messiahship contender. Furthermore, the opening verses of the Gospel of Matthew trace the ancestry of Jesus back to the patriarch Abraham. We also see four women in the list of genealogy from the Hebrew Bible. In Matthew’s Jewish world, genealogies typically mentioned only men. If you think Luke’s version is any better, you had better think again, as it ends with Adam! One would have to be a raving lunatic to believe that. Who was there at the time of Adam, to document and write down the information, not forgetting that the story of Adam and Eve’s origin is much older than any Jewish or Christian sources. To say that Jesus was the messiah, when the evidence does not agree, is nothing more than a fabrication. Perpetrated by the early Gentiles, who invented a supreme being from a nobody from the peasant class, with questionable sexual orientation, and made him a God. Yet, in the suppressed stories of the time, Jesus was the products of an unfaithful wife, who got pregnant by a young Roman soldier, named Pantera, and was thrown out by her husband.
We learn from the ancients that this nobody learnt the art of magic, while hiring himself out as a servant/slave in Egypt on account of his poverty; and having there acquired some miraculous powers, on which the Egyptians greatly pride themselves, returned to his own country, highly elated on account of them, and by means of these proclaimed himself a God.[Contra Celsum, BK I, ch.28]
The Gentiles knew that they could not create a God out of the Jewish noble class, or a Jew from Jerusalem or Bethlehem, or any other Jewish city, town, or village. As it would expose them, and their creation, as a fraud! So, they chose a non-Jew from the northern Gentile hinterlands. From an unknown village, and a place unknown to any of the surrounding villages and towns close-by, or those that commanded the region, such as Josephus. Who was silent on this supposed Galilean village of Nazareth that was unknown at the time. Even in the supposed time of Jesus, Galilee was inhabited by Gentiles (Matthew 4:15-16), aka the Nations. (Galilee of the Nations means the people that the king of Assyria forced to repopulate Samaria/northern kingdom of Israel from 721 BCE onward (see 2 Kings 17:24)). One would assume that all of the above would debunk the messiahship of Jesus, however, I will finish as I started on the Christian cherry-picking of the Gospel of John.
The post ends by citing from the Gospel of John: 48 The Jews answered him [Jesus], “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?” [John 8:48]
On the Trinity
Jesus is an invention like the rest of the Trinity, nothing more than the slight of hands who magically mesmerised his audience who believed he turned water into wine, and raised the dead. What is factual, is that early Christian Art depicted Jesus waving his wand and probably saying, Abracadabra! What do you say, does the Old and New Testament debunk Jesus’ messiahship?
Approved ~ FS
Jero Jones
Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/