California governor proposes constitutional amendment to restrict access to guns

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is proposing an amendment to the Constitution to implement four gun control measures that he says have wide support across the country.

Newsom’s office said in a release on Thursday that he is calling for enshrining four gun safety regulations into the Constitution — raising the minimum age to purchase firearms from 18 to 21, implementing universal background checks, instituting a “reasonable” waiting period for gun purchases and preventing civilians from buying “assault weapons.”

…Newsom told NBC’s “The Today Show” in an interview that the proposal is in response to laws that have been enacted to establish gun safety measures being rolled back by courts.

The Supreme Court significantly expanded gun rights last year with its ruling that struck down a New York gun law that made obtaining a permit to carry a handgun outside the home more difficult. The majority found that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to self-defense outside the home.

The ruling gave other courts and judges new guidance and increased skepticism toward the constitutionality of gun regulations.


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