Lauren Boebert criticized by supporters for seeking donations under guise of impeachment survey

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on Tuesday tried to get more support for her plan to impeach President Joe Biden, but was met with derision from her own supporters for sneaking a donation request into her impeachment survey.Boebert, who jumped on the impeachment bandwagon earlier this month, has cited Biden’s policy on the southern border as the motivation for seeking the current president’s ouster.

On Tuesday, she sent a pretty generic tweet seeking support on the issue:

“This is simple: Joe Biden is not capable of leading our nation. I’ve filed articles of impeachment. I’m calling on every member of the Republican Party to join me!” Boebert wrote.” The Congresswoman added, “If you’re with me, click here & add your name to this growing list of Americans who are ready to see Biden go.”

The comment section included numerous complaints from people who appear to be ideologically aligned with the Congresswoman.


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