Putin threatens punishment for Wagner ‘mutiny’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to the Wagner Group’s rebellion, telling the nation it was facing its “toughest battle for its future.”

In an address to the country, Putin described Yevgeny Prigozhin’s actions — in calling for an uprising against the Kremlin — an “armed mutiny” and told the rebels they will face “inevitable punishment” for their “betrayal.”

Putin did admit the situation in Rostov-on-Don was “difficult” following Wagner’s claims it had seized control of the airport and army headquarters in the city near the Ukrainian border.

“There will be decisive measures taken on stabilizing the situation in Rostov-on-Don,” Putin told the nation.

Meanwhile, on Saturday morning, Poland’s president held “consultations” with the prime minister and defense ministry about “the situation in Russia.”

“The course of events beyond our eastern border is monitored on an ongoing basis,” Andrzej Duda wrote on Twitter.

Prigozhin: Russian helicopter that fired on ‘civilian column’ shot down

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner Group, said in his latest audio message that: “A helicopter just now opened fire at a civilian column. It has been shot down by units of [private military company] Wagner.”

Prigozhin’s short message was not independently confirmed by other sources. It was also unclear what he meant by a civilian column.

If true, fighting between Wagner mercenary forces and Russian military troops would mark a serious escalation in the clash between Prigozhin and the Kremlin.

R&I – TP


Article URL : https://www.dw.com/en/live-russias-putin-addresses-nation-after-wagner-mutiny/a-66018647