Expert: Hunter Biden’s deal was a little harsher than normal

After five years spent investigating President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, Republicans were only able to come up with two tax fraud charges and a gun charge. They deployed FBI agents, IRS officials, and federal prosecutors and all they got was this lousy tax fraud business.

But what about Hunter Biden? What did he get? Was the deal fair in the sense that it is what others would get? Prosecution expert Andrew Weissmann said if anything, it is a little harsher than expected.

Andrew A. Weissmann was an Assistant United States Attorney from 1991 to 2002, Chief of the Fraud Section in the Department of Justice from 2015 to 2017, and General Counsel for the FBI from 2011-2013. He has more credentials, but you get the idea. He knows prosecuting norms in the DOJ and the FBI.

In his informed opinion, not only did Hunter Biden not get a ‘sweetheart deal’ like many Republicans are claiming, but his deal “seemed a little bit harsher than what I would typically expect.”


This is a good time to remind readers that around that time period, the IRS was being weaponized against critics of then-president Trump. That is not to suggest that Hunter Biden isn’t guilty; but rather that while others were allowed to get away with deliberate tax fraud, like Roger Stone, the full weight of the department was pushed upon many people Trump didn’t like.

To see how the IRS treated Trump buddies, we can look at convicted and then pardoned by Trump for seven separate felony crimes, Roger Stone, who was Trump’s 2016 campaign advisor. For years, Roger Stone and his wife had not paid their taxes from 2011. The DOJ alleged that while they lived a “lavish lifestyle” they had not been paying their taxes.

Yes, you read that correctly. Stone did not pay his taxes from 2011 until the Justice Department attorneys brought a lawsuit against him and his wife in April of 2021. Why had the IRS, so busy under Trump, let that slide? Where are Republicans calling for the prison guards?

Expert: Hunter Biden’s Deal Was A Little Harsher Than Normal (